Monday, 30 September 2013

Coming up...

Tomorrow is the 1st October. October is Baby Loss Awareness month and, like last year, the Capture Your Grief project will be running. I really loved doing this project last year and feel I gained so much from it, in terms of healing and acceptance. The gorgeous website of Carly-Marie has all the details:

So tomorrow it starts. I'm in such a different place to last year. I'm going to be pasting the posts from last year below this year's to clearly see the differences. I guess some things will remain the same, but my views on them will have changed in some ways. 

Dan and I were talking earlier about the project. The first day is 'Sunrise'. I'm rubbish at getting up early but will try and get a morning shot, depending on when Caleigh wakes me for food! We went on to then discuss how our grief has changed because of Caleigh. I don't grieve in the same way at all any more. Aside from not having the time, my heart is filled with joy thanks to Caleigh. The hole in my heart is still there but she has lessened the pain of it. 

And then I start to think about how Caleigh wouldn't be here if we still had Isla. And then my heart starts to ache and my head starts to explode! I will explore these feelings in the coming days. 

And then what? At the moment, I think this project may signal the 'end' of this blog. But then, it'd be nice to drop in every one and then, I guess. And what about Capture Your Grief 2014? How much will have changed by then? I can only imagine! 

So, here we go...

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